Welcome to Genealon,

your home for European genealogy!

Who we are

We are a company that provides professional genealogical services, specializing in European families.

Genealon provides personalized services based on our clients' goals — searching for family records to apply for European citizenship, locating long-lost relatives, or simply building your family tree.

Our founder: meet genealogist Flavia R. Haikal

Hello everybody! My name is Flavia. Ever since I was little, I have always been very interested in my family and where they come from. This curiosity of mine led me to great discoveries about my ancestors.

My family comes from different regions of Europe — mainly Germany, Austria, Netherlands, Poland, and so on.

Thus, my genealogical research experience first began based on my own family.

Subsequently, I worked tirelessly in companies specializing in German and Austrian citizenship procedures.

I had the opportunity to work on and analyze more than 180 genealogy cases, and so I was able to find hundreds of documents (civil and religious) such as birth, marriage, death, residency and nationality certificates — in addition to proof of religious or Nazi persecution and governmental reparations (e.g. compensation payment or restitution) — for many descendant families of European immigrants.

Many came from areas that belonged to former German and Austrian territories, so I got in contact with various archives and notaries from different European countries.

I was able to help many families receive the documents necessary to obtain German and Austrian citizenship, having had hundreds of satisfied clients.

Today, in addition to all my practical experience, I am a member of several genealogical societies in Europe, the United States, Israel, and South America.

I also speak and understand English, German, French, Portuguese and Hebrew very well. I also have some knowledge of Dutch, Polish, Czech, Russian and Ukrainian.

Can I help you discover your family history in Europe?

Associations and affiliations

These are some of the genealogical associations and affiliations in Europe, the United States, Israel, and South America of which our founder is a member.

Our mission, vision, & values

Our mission is to help descendants of European immigrants discover their roots in depth.

From an initial analysis of your family, we seek different types of documents on demand — thus discovering valuable information about your family — whether for personal or foreign citizenship purposes. We strive to provide the highest quality genealogy service.

Our vision is to be one of the most relevant and respected European genealogy consultancies, always guided by our goals and values.

Our values are based on honesty, ethics, confidentiality and seriousness. In addition, we draw on Jewish philosophy and two particular concepts:

¹Additional services available upon request

What we do*

Through our exclusive genealogical consulting service and the detailed study of your family history, we offer the following services on request¹:

• Birth / baptism / Brit Milah (Bris) certificate

• Marriage / Ketubah certificate

• Death certificate

• General registration

• Residence registration

• Immigration record

• Consular registration

Naturalization certificate (positive or negative)

• Proof of European nationality

Proof of religious or Nazi persecution and governmental reparations (e.g. compensation payment or restitution)

*Genealogical research on non-Jewish individuals and their families (as well as any other groups that were not persecuted during Nazi-fascist regimes) will only be carried out if:

a) (if applicable) immigration out of the European continent occurred before 01.01.1940;


b) there is absolute proof that the individual and their family had no Nazi-fascist ties.

Our European expertise

We're experts in European genealogy. We search across Europe about your family, whether they are of Catholic, Evangelical-Lutheran (Protestant), or of Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jewish religious origin.

We specialize in locating family records currently held in archives in the following European countries²:

²Additional countries available upon request

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These are some of the most requested countries in this research category

Supplementary research outside Europe

Since most of our clients are descendants of European immigrants, we also successfully carry out documental research in Latin America and South Africa.

We conduct research in the following countries³:

³Additional countries available upon request

© OpenMapTiles © OpenStreetMap contributors

These are some of the most requested countries in this research category

Voluntary genealogical service program

We offer voluntary genealogical services — completely free or at a low cost.

One of our company's core beliefs is that assistance and volunteering truly give special meaning to our work.

We serve clients that are eligible for citizenship or governmental reparations (e.g. compensation payment or restitution), due to religious or Nazi persecution by European governments — usually those of Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jewish origin (as well as other groups) — and/or low-income clients in this category.

To find out if you qualify for our voluntary genealogy service program, contact us!

Email address: info@genealon.org

Telephone & WhatsApp: +55 (21) 993184139

Where we are & contact info

Genealon is based in Germany and Brazil.

We welcome you to our offices!

Our company's top goal is to offer the best genealogy service in Europe and Latin America.

Above all, we work for people and their families. That is why we strive to offer our clients personal, thorough, and pleasant service.

To schedule a personal consultation appointment in one of our offices, please contact us!

Email address: info@genealon.org

Telephone & WhatsApp: +55 (21) 993184139


Our German office is located in the impressive Potsdamer Platz Business Center, in the modern and global city of Berlin. We are surrounded by historical buildings as well as modern architecture, a wide choice of restaurants, hotels, and museums. Berlin is renowned for its exceptional range of landmarks and vibrant cultural scene.

Come visit us in Berlin!

10 Potsdamer Platz, 10785 - Berlin, Germany

Scroll through our photo gallery below

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Our Brazilian office is located in the state-of-the-art Mourisco Business Center building, in the upscale neighborhood of Botafogo, in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. We have a beautiful view of Botafogo Beach, the famous Sugarloaf Mountain, and its popular cable car.

Come visit us in Rio!

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